Mysteries of Strange Appearances From Beyond - Tor Publishing Group
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Mysteries of Strange Appearances From Beyond

Cover for the book titled as: Mysteries of Strange Appearances From Beyond
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Are we visited by spirits from the past?

Do they come to harm us, or do they need our help?

Ghosts returning to re-enact a suicide, spirits avenging their deaths and beings from the past returned to complete unfinished business on earth can be found in Mysteries of Strange Appearances from Beyond!

Read about the ghosts of Ancient Rome and the spirit of the man trapped in a cage.

Fly with the World War II bomber that made its way home with no fuel and no living crew members.

Meet the two women who were suddenly transported into the eighteenth century while wandering the French palace of Versailles.

All these and more mysteries lurk in the pages of Mysteries of Strange Appearances from Beyond.

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